Monday, February 1, 2016

Research Paper

Topic: Foreign Policy

I. Introduction
Possible ideas for the introduction (see front side of handout for suggestions):

Thesis Statement (Usually the last sentence(s) in the introduction):  

Truman's defense of south korea and George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq are examples of foreign policy decisions that have been opposed by individuals and groups. These decisions have had an impact on both the United States and on other countries regions.

II. Body (A paper may have a few or many main points; decide how many your paper will need) 

Main Point & Harry Truman's decision to defend South Korea.

Examples/Details/Explanations: North Korean army invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950. The U.S. Was afraid that Russia and China would get involved and start the World War III. “If we let Korea down,” President Harry Truman (1884-1972) said, “the Soviet[s] will keep right on going and swallow up one [place] after another.” The U.S. was afraid that communists will spread.

Main Point: Harry Truman's decision to defend South Korea.

Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________ Examples/Details/Explanations:
a. ______________________________________________________________________ 

b. ______________________________________________________________________ 
c. ______________________________________________________________________

Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________ Examples/Details/Explanations:
a. ______________________________________________________________________ 

b. ______________________________________________________________________ 
c. ______________________________________________________________________

III. Conclusion
Reworded Thesis (Usually found near the beginning of the conclusion): _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
Other Ideas to Conclude:
Clincher Ideas: _________________________________________________________________ 
 a. ______________________________________________________________________ 
b. ______________________________________________________________________ 
c. ______________________________________________________________________

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